Luke Chapter 14 | New Testament | ESV Full Bible Reading Audio #newtestament #bible #biblestudy

Luke Chapter 14 | New Testament | ESV Full Bible Reading Audio #newtestament #bible #biblestudy

In Luke chapter 13, Jesus teaches about repentance and the consequences of sin. He tells the parable of the barren fig tree, emphasizing the need for bearing fruit and the patience of God. Jesus also heals a woman who had been crippled for 18 years on the Sabbath, which leads to controversy with religious leaders. He compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed and leaven, highlighting its small beginnings and eventual growth. Jesus also laments over Jerusalem, expressing his desire to gather its people like a mother hen gathers her chicks but foretells the city's destruction due to its rejection of Him. This chapter illustrates themes of repentance, God's mercy, and the cost of discipleship.