The Dead Are Starved For Help - First Time Playing The Walking Dead: Episode 2 Starved For Help

The Dead Are Starved For Help - First Time Playing The Walking Dead: Episode 2 Starved For Help

The Dead Are Starved For Help! I'm gonna have nightmares after this... The Walking Dead game, I thought would be low key, fun... Starved for help is the name of episode 2, and I'm gonna be sick after watching this. I thought the dead were all we had to worry about. Starved for help is right.. "The Dead Are Starved For Help - First Time Playing The Walking Dead: Episode 2 Starved For Help" If you enjoyed this, then be sure to hit the bell so you don't miss anything else here at Spiggs Gaming! #TheDeadAreStarvedForHelp #TheWalkingDead #SpiggsGaming