Why you're gaining weight (or not losing weight) on a Carnivore Diet

Why you're gaining weight (or not losing weight) on a Carnivore Diet

3 reasons why you might be gaining weight, or not losing weight, on a Carnivore Diet! Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/LAURASPATH to get your free sample pack of drink mix packets with any purchase. To follow along with my daily life come find me on Instagram: @lauraespath Calculator: https://tdeecalculator.net/ or https://criticalcarnivore.netlify.app/ For community, support, and exclusive content from me come join my Locals. https://lauraespath.locals.com/ DISCOUNT LINKS: EQUIP Protein Powder- Code: LAURAESPATH https://www.equipfoods.com/?rfsn=7678... Meater Bluetooth Meat Thermometer: https://store-us.meater.com/?transact... Gardners Wisconsin Cheese: www.gardnerswisconsincheese.com/LAURASPATH ****Affiliate Links and Discount Codes to all my favorite brands and products: https://www.lauraspath.com/links *I lost 120 pounds in 2018 on a Carnivore Diet, I maintained that in 2019. In 2020 I struggled with some weight gain and then lost it again in 2021. For the last few years I have been maintaining a healthy weight. In December 2022 I had skin removal surgery (tummy tuck). This channel just documents all of that journey and how our family lives normal lives and eats a meat based diet. #carnivore #keto #weightloss #carnivorediet #lowcarb #whatieatinaday #ketovore #zerocarb #airfryer #t2d #t2dm #diabetes #type2diabetes