What Should You Be Doing Now? | Gardening In June

What Should You Be Doing Now? | Gardening In June

It's June and boy, is it getting hot in Georgia! The garden is in full-force and we are harvesting every day. The temptation to just harvest and cruise on through summer is also in full-force. Do not just let the garden go, there is still plenty of time to continue plantings. After you harvest your potatoes and garlic, have something prepare to go into these plots. Find out your first average frost date for the Fall, find days to maturity, subtract to see if you have time to plant/grow. If it will take longer than the days you have, it's not worth risking. Be sure to add a week or so for harvesting to be safe. Let's discuss your June Garden To-Do List, grow together, and Get Dirty! HOSS GREEN BLAZE - bit.ly/43t5UOA PREMIUM GARDEN SEEDS - bit.ly/3i5BsUn LIME ORANGE QUEENY ZINNIA- bit.ly/45HQ1FQ LIME W/BLOTCH QUEENY ZINNIA - bit.ly/3IKJhwH LIME RED QUEENY ZINNIA - bit.ly/3IKlWeU LEMON PEACH QUEENY ZINNIA - bit.ly/3qaF3rS WEBSITE - https://growhoss.com/ JOIN OUR ROW BY ROW COMMUNITY:   / rowbyrow   FOLLOW US: Facebook -   / hosstools   Instagram -   / growhoss   TikTok-   / gardeningwithhoss   Pinterest- https:/pinterest.com/growhoss #hosstools​ #vegetablegarden​ #hoss #getdirty #hosstoolsseeds #growyourownfood #growhoss #hosstools #howtostartseeds #gardening 0:00 start 0:13 Intro 0:34 Sharing our Harvest 0:54 Hoss Green Blaze Bush Bean 2:34 Hossinator Bell Pepper 4:37 Queenie Zinnias 5:23 Extending Your Harvest 5:40 Go ahead and pull your squash 6:54 A Helpful Tip On Sweet Corn 7:50 Planting In June for Zone 8 8:50 Planting Warm Season Cover Crops 10:23 Flipping A Plot For Fall Planting 12:00 Flipping Your Raised Beds 13:03 How To Know If You Have Time To Plant Something 18:09 Garden Spotlight 19:34 Old Goat Drawing 20:58 Monterey Disease/Pest Controls 22:39 Hoss Keychains 22:49 Father's Day Promo!