Epiphany of the Lord || 08-01-2023 || Urdu || Fr James Shamaun Production Live Stream
Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 8, 2023 Venue : St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt Pakistan First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 Jerusalem shall be a light to all nations. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,10-11,12-13 Every nation on earth shall worship the Lord. Second Reading Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6 Gentiles are coheirs in the promise of Christ. Gospel Reading Matthew 2:1-12 The Magi seek out Jesus and do him homage. ► BROADCASTING by: IT Team, St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt, Pakistan Please follow us on Facebook. / james.shamaun ► For Offerings ►► BANK TRANSFERS Bank Name: Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) Branch Address: Aslam Market, Wah Cantt Branch Code: 0655 Account number: 0065502010032681 International Bank Account Number: PK80MUCB0065502010032681 Bank Route Code: 0655 Account Title: Catholic Church Beneficiary: St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt Beneficiary Address: St # 18, The Mall, Wah Cantt Beneficiary City: Taxila ►► MOBILE PAYMENTS Name : James Shamaun Easy Paisa Account: +923065393243 Jazz Cash Account: +923065393243 Any uploading of our audio/visual content is strongly prohibited and the result will be ending up with a strike, copyright infringement notice & penalties. Subscribe to our channel All copyrights are reserved. #christmas #christmasmusic #frjamesshamaun #christian