Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary | 5 Rules of Money That Will Make You RICH Forever | Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary | 5 Rules of Money That Will Make You RICH Forever | Robert Kiyosaki ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- •HOW TO MANAGE,SAVE AND INVEST YOUR SALARY • Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary | 5 Rules ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is a compelling autobiography that provides guidance on achieving financial success. Through the contrasting perspectives of his two fathers, Kiyosaki imparts valuable financial education. This book summary in Hindi turns the spotlight on various aspects of life, offering insights that can steer you towards a powerful shift in your financial mindset. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #financialfreedom #richdadpoordad #booksummary #cashflow #moneymaking #financialeducation #moneymanagement #finance