Dexorange Syrup क्या होता हैं? | Dexorange पिने के फायदे, नुकसान, कब लें, कैसे लें?
What is a Dexorange syrup in Hindi? Dexorange syrup is a nutritional supplement that doctors recommend to cover up the deficiencies of several nutrients in the human body. Let's see what is Dexornage syrup, how to use the Dexorange syrup, when to take it, what is the normal dose and duration for an average person, how much it costs, and the benefits, uses and side effects of Dexorange syrup. Other medicine explanation videos: Dexorange Syrup Pregnancy me Lena Chahiye?: • Dexorange Syrup ke Fayde, Uses, Side ... Understand the dexorange capsule: • Dexorange Capsule किस काम आता है? Dex... 00:00 Introduction 00:40 Price 00:50 Uses 01:37 When to use? 02:00 How to take? 02:46 Dose/Duration 03:19 Where to use? 03:49 Precautions 04:38 Side effects 05:14 Storage 05:27 Buying guide 06:10 What to avoid? #dexorange #sahimedical