What Would Happen If Tanjiro Stayed As Demon King ⋮ Demon Slayer (HINDI)

What Would Happen If Tanjiro Stayed As Demon King ⋮ Demon Slayer (HINDI)

#demonslayer #demonkingtanjiro #whatif _____________________________________________________________________________ Who Is Demon King Tanjiro In Demon Slayer? Demon King Tanjiro is a name given to Tanjiro Kamado's final Demonic form, after he had been turned into a Demon by Muzan Kibutsuji. As Muzan is also dying he uses the last of his powers to turn Tanjiro into a demon — a plan that the demon king had always been working to achieve. In doing this, Tanjiro has become the demon king and an enemy to the Demon. It was Muzan's final attempt at destroying Tanjiro, but he was ultimately unsuccessful thanks to the efforts of Tanjiro's sister, Nezuko Kamado, and Kanao. _____________________________________________________________________________ This Video Covers Questions Such As: What If Demon Slayer..? Demon Slayer Fan Story..? What If Tanjiro Stayed As Demon King Tanjiro..? What Would Happen If Tanjiro Became Demon King Permanently..? What If Tanjiro Became Demon Permanently..? What If Demon Tanjiro Killed Everyone..? Why Tanjiro is demon king..? Does Tanjiro become a demon king...? Is demon king Tanjiro stronger than Muzan Kibetsuji..? Is demon king Tanjiro stronger than Yoriichi Tsugikuni..? And So On... Stick To The Very End To Find Answers. ____________________________________________________________________________ Credits to: @jeezartzz (On Twitter For Concept Arts) AND TheGoaty Animation (On YT For Saitama Vs Gojo Clip Used In Video) For Any Query You Can Message Me On Any Of This Social Media Handle..!! Heroes Chad IG ►https://instagram.com/heroeschad.ig?i... OR MAIL ME : [email protected]