10 STRONGEST KIDS IN THE WORLD THAT TOOK IT TOO FAR If you're new, Subscribe! → / @top10trendinghere #viralstory #amazingpeople #top5best No.10. Maryana Naumova Maryana Naumova is a Russian powerlifter known for her age group, with more than a dozen records. In 2015 she recorded bench pressing 331 pounds (150 kg) in the Arnold Classic. She was born in Staraya, Russia, to Olga Ivanova, and Alexander Naumov. Maryana started lifting heavy weights at the age of 10 and quickly gained popularity while getting sponsorship deals from MHP. No.9. Jake Schellenschlager Jake Schellenschlager is a competitive bodybuilder and powerlifter of just 14 years old. He is strong enough to lift twice his body weight, which is impressive considering his age. Jake started training since he was 12. His love to train started by watching his father work out (which impressed him) and told his dad that he wanted to be the strongest kid ever. No.8. Naomi Kutin Naomi Chaya Kutin is a powerlifter who began her career at the age of 8 and has set numerous records for her sports in several weight classes. Kutin, a 16-year-old with a bodyweight of only 132 pounds, has lifted weights thrice her bodyweight. She has squatted 325 lbs and deadlifted around 365 lbs. She squatted 215 lbs when she was 10, which, at the time, was more than twice her body weight. After a few years, she easily squats 250 lbs+, which sets her apart from others. No.7. Yang Jinlong Yang Jinlong, a seven-year-old from Anhui Province in China, defies China’s traditional logic and expectations at the very bottom of the global BMI (body mass index) list. The strongest child in the world weighs about 110 pounds, approximately 3 times a 7-year-old’s average weight. The kid is so powerful that he can alone push cars, carry his father, lift sizeable heavy grain bags, and rest on his shoulders. No.6. Varya Akulova Varvara Yurievna Akulova was born into a group of circus performers Yuriy Akulov and Larisa Akulova on 10 January 1992 at the Ukrainian mining town of Kryvyi Rih. When Varya was 10 years young, she managed to work in a circus with her mother and dad. At the mere age of 8, she was able to lift the weight and pull stunts straight out of a sci-fi fantasy movie. Varya Akulova was able to lift a total weight of 350 kg while her weight was just 40 kg. At three years of age, the Ukrainian world’s strongest baby first lifted a 100 kg barbell. No.5. Giuliano Stroe Giuliano Stroe is a Romanian child bodybuilder and gymnast. When he was two, Giuliano began to work in the gym together with his dad. He was noted in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2009, the strongest boy in the world. With a weighted ball among his legs, Giuliano has set a record For the fastest 33-foot hand walk. This stunt was done by the tiny Bodybuilder on an Italian TV show before a live audience and woken up the following morning. A year later, for 90-degree push-ups (an exercise when the legs do not touch the ground) Stroe set the world record. Now 14 years old, the young athlete lives with his family in Italy. Giuliano and Claudio (both muscular boys) now concentrate on boxing, participating in different competitions. No.4. Liam Hoekstra However, Dana and Neil Hoekstra have been his foster guardians since and have chosen to take him as their son. Liam’s first super-strength display was when he was 5 months old when he bent an iron bar. While other children struggled with chin-ups, it was as easy as knocking at a door for Liam. He took his torso even further over the bar and held it for minutes, much to the surprise of his schoolmates, who must have thought he would take a different breakfast cereal brand every morning! No.3. CJ Senter This 10-year-old quite a phenomenon blew away everyone with his workout abilities. He loves working hard and training, but does not advocate weight training (kid bodybuilding) because he knows that children shouldn’t have any strength exercises. His secret is to just exercise with the body and eat healthy foods, and many! No.2. Andrey Kostash Andrey began training at the age of five because he thinks children soccer and friends are overrated. At six, Andrey finished 3,000 pushups in a row (without a break). It lasted 2 hours and 29 minutes, and Kostash was not that impressed with himself by that number. His personal best was closer to 6,000, but the 4,000 pushups of this native Ukrainian were still successful in break a new record. No.1. Richard Sandrak Little Hercules Richard Sandrak gained international popularity as a mini bodybuilder but because of his martial arts and appearances on TV and movies. But for the impressive physique, the young boy paid the price. Richard says that he’s been training all his days, and he has not been allowed to go out and spend time playing with his friends, or simply put, he didn’t have a normal fun childhood.