SAINTS ROW THE THIRD REMASTERED Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 [4K 60FPS PS4 PRO] - No Commentary

SAINTS ROW THE THIRD REMASTERED Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 [4K 60FPS PS4 PRO] - No Commentary

Saints Row The Third Remastered Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Saints Row The Third Remastered Gameplay on PS4 Pro. This Saints Row The Third Remastered Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on PS4 Pro and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights. You can buy this game at Use Creator Code "MKiceAndFire" during checkout if you want to support the channel! Enjoy! If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Saints Row The Third Remastered gives you control of the Saints at the height of their power, and you live the life to show for it. This is your City. These are your rules. Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobblehead dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to Steelport, a once-proud metropolis reduced to a struggling city of sin under Syndicate control. Take a tank skydiving, call in a satellite-targeted airstrike on a Mexican wrestling gang, and fight against a highly-trained military force by your lonesome in the most outlandish gameplay scenarios ever seen. All DLC included All three expansion mission packs and 30 pieces of DLC from the original version. Saints Row 3 Remastered releases May 2020 for PS4, Xbox One and PC Follow me on Twitter -   / mkiceandfiremk   SUBSCRIBE -    / @mkiceandfire   Support MKIceAndFire and become a member -    / @mkiceandfire   Subscribe to MKIceAndFire to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the latest games! #SaintsRowTheThirdRemastered #Gameplay #Walkthrough