How I Started Raising Tilapia and Catfish - Small Scale Aquaculture

How I Started Raising Tilapia and Catfish - Small Scale Aquaculture

In this video I share how I started fish farming small scale for personal use on my back porch. For those looking to learn be sure to check out our brand new blog that we have just recently started. At that site we can get into more detail with the information. At the moment there is not a lot of content but more will be coming continuously. You can find it at Sources to buy fish: Tilapia: Catfish: The pump I showed in the video can be found here: And the waterfall spillway can be found here: The tubing can be found here: Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I'd Rather Be Homesteading may earn, at no cost to you, a small affiliate commission if you purchase something from the link provided.