MANIFEST LOVE While You SLEEP (8 Hour Sleep Affirmations...Manifest A Specific Person Overnight)

MANIFEST LOVE While You SLEEP (8 Hour Sleep Affirmations...Manifest A Specific Person Overnight)

Manifest A Specific Person Overnight with this 8 hour sleep tape of LOVE AFFIRMATIONS. Manifest love while you sleep 8 Hours of Love Affirmations. Saturate your mind with these thoughts, they’ll be reflected in your reality with your specific person. Allow them to penetrate you subconscious mind while you sleep at night and continue to have this mindset throughout the day. You will experience powerful reality shifts and love manifestations. WARNING: Please only listen to sleep meditations and affirmation videos whilst relaxed. Do not listen whilst carrying out activities such as driving or operating machinery. For best results listen every night for 21 days on a low volume allowing sleep cycle to remain undisturbed. MUSIC 'Prayer For Light' composed by Music Of Wisdom - Licensed from: @musicofwisdom Get my latest Mini Course Bundle UNSHAKEABLE LOVE I show you how to manifest confidently and how to create the exact love life (and create the perfect version of a specific person) you want! Its out now and you can get the bundle here for just $150, 2 of my most popular mini courses combines 'Manifest New Love' PLUS 'Unshakeable Confidence': And you can get the mini courses separately here for $95: Get my LOVE MANIFESTATION COURSE 'Worthy AF For Love' here: Get your FREE Mini Manifestation course here: PLUS my Self Concept Course 'A Kick Ass You' here: SUBSCRIBE for daily uploads my Darlings 🛎 to catch all the live replays uploaded daily, watch out for my exclusive Youtube content posted weekly. (Turn your notifications on to catch it all!) ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Live on Tiktok with these lessons and Q+A, join me! Book coaching and find all my courses (Self Concept, Manifest Your Ex Back and more) here: My Tiktok:   / subconsciousl.  . Free Facebook Group:   / subco.  . ‘Subconscious Loz Squad’- Paid Facebook Group: My Instagram with daily lessons:   / subconsciou.  . My Podcast ‘You Run This Sh*t’: Coming soon! You can manifest the life you want…because you run this sh*t! You create the breakup, getting your ex back, being broke, great friendships, that job you hate- you manifest it all with your dominant habitual subconscious thinking. Most of the time, you don’t even realise you’re doing it. So, if things look bad in your life right now, don’t worry, because YOU can change it. Hi guys, I’m Loz. You may know me from ‘Subconscious Loz’…my Tiktok and my live Q+A - where I bang on, (and often scream) about creating the life you want and I’m here to show you how to start seeing yourself as the queen or king who gets everything they want by combining psychology, the principles of manifestation and the life experiences which forced me to drag my concept of myself out of the f*cking toilet. Oh and if you haven’t noticed, I swear a lot. So you’ve been warned…And if I start yelling, I’m just trying to shake some f*cking sense into you. (I do it with love.) Understanding the Law of Assumption has changed my life, and I hope can help change yours with everything I’ve learned...the success and the failures! ❤️ Loz #sleepmusic #lawofassumption #specificperson DISCLAIMER: Videos may include curse words, and triggering content about childhood experiences. All content in this channel is a means of support only. I have no professional training in psychology, I am self-taught and all discussions are based on my own learnings and experience. It is not a means of advice. Any use of information is at your own risk, but please consult a mental help professional if required.