10-Min Walk At Home - Quick Low Impact Exercise

10-Min Walk At Home - Quick Low Impact Exercise

We are back today with gentler exercises just for you! with these quick low impact exercises you will enjoy your 10 min morning walk like never before! Boost your energy level with this workout to succeed in your day and be more productive! remember to go at your own pace, you can pause the video to take a break if needed! leave a comment to let us know what do you think, check our videos, and make sure to subscribe to our channel for more fun to come! let’s goooo ❤️️💪 00:00 Walk 00:38 Tap Out 01:09 Tap Back 01:39 Side Steps 02:10 Side Elbows 02:41 Square Walk 02:56 Side Arms 03:27 Knee Lifts 03:58 Kick Backs 04:28 Hand Claps 04:59 Arm Reach 05:30 Arms And Legs 06:00 Front Legs 06:31 Rest 06:54 Walk 07:10 Tap Out 07:25 Tap Back 07:40 Side Steps 07:56 Side Elbows 08:11 Square Walk 08:19 Side Arms 08:34 Knee Lifts 08:49 Kick Backs 09:05 Hand Claps 09:20 Arm Reach 09:35 Arms And Legs 09:51 Front Legs