[HansangTV]부대찌개 레시피 (Army Stew, Budae jjigae) 해외에서 구매가능한 상품으로 간단요리! (ENG/KOR SUB)

[HansangTV]부대찌개 레시피 (Army Stew, Budae jjigae) 해외에서 구매가능한 상품으로 간단요리! (ENG/KOR SUB)

Have you had the Korean Army Stew (Budae jjigae)? It’s a Korean-American fusion dish made from an rich broth, hot pepper paste, beans and Spam(+sausage) It is a great dish to share with friends and family because everyone has their preferences, so they can add their favorite toppings into the stew! (American cheese, meat, dumplings, etc ) Learn how to make the popular Korean hot pot dish, Budae Jjigae the easiest way! Budae Jjigae literally means “army stew”, a Korean dish born out of necessity when the only accessible items were surplus food from U S military bases - Products : 초립동이 - 쌈장 500g (Choripdong - Seasoned Soybean Paste 1 1 lb) 초립동이 - 명가고추장 (한국산) 500g (Choripdong - Hot Pepper Paste 1 1 lb) 한상 - 죽방렴 멸치다시팩(파뿌리멸치) 120g (Hansang - Soup Stock (T-Bag Type) Scallion Root & Anchovy 4 23oz) 오뚜기 - 라면사리 108g (Oddugi - Ramen 3 88 oz) These products are available online or at Korean Grocery Store - Follow us on Instagram @hansangtv Check us out on Facebook - facebook com/pg/Hansang-TV-102623725345080