The Walking Dead WhatsApp Status | Season 2 Episode 1 Game Walkthrough | No Commentary (Telltale)

The Walking Dead WhatsApp Status | Season 2 Episode 1 Game Walkthrough | No Commentary (Telltale)

#thewalkingdead #season2 #walkthrough Telltale The Walking Dead Season 2 Glimpse Game Walkthrough Walking Dead Games Playlist -    • The Walking Dead Episode 1 Season 1 (...      • The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 G...   Consider Hitting that Like Button, If you Enjoyed. It Helps This Channel Grow. The Walking Dead: Season Two is an episodic adventure video game based on The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead, with the episodes released between December 2013 and August 2014, and a retail collector's disc edition planned at the conclusion of the season. The game employs the same narrative structure as the first season, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first season and the additional episode 400 Days carry over into the second season. Clementine, who was the player's main companion during the first season, is the playable character in Season Two. Subscribe -    / @pipereye   Subscribe to PIPEREYE to get more gameplay walkthrough of all the latest and greatest Games of all time. #thewalkingdead #season2 #walkthrough