MANAGERIAL ROUND Interview Questions & TOP-SCORING ANSWERS! By Richard McMunn of: #managerialroundinterview #interviews #interviewquestionsandanswers In this next tutorial, Richard McMunn of Pass My Interview will teach you how to prepare for and pass a Managerial Round interview! WHAT IS A MANAGERIAL ROUND INTERVIEW? 00:21 A managerial round interview is where you will undertake an interview with the manager or the managers of the company. It is a more formal interview and it is usually the last stage of the selection process before you are offered the job. Sometimes, managerial round interviews are referred to as second or final interviews. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED DURING A MANAGERIAL ROUND INTERVIEW? 00:47 Managerial round interviews generally assess how you contribute to a team, how you handle stress and pressure, how you react to mistakes, and what you will do to ADD VALUE to their business. OTHER USEFUL MANAGERIAL ROUND INTERVIEW TRAINING VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE BY RICHARD MCMUNN: Live mock interview:    • Interview Questions and Answers! (How...   How to pass a Job Interview:    • HOW TO PASS A JOB INTERVIEW! (7 Job I...     23 MANAGERIAL ROUND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q1. How will you contribute to our team? 01:30 Q2. How do you prioritize tasks at work? 02:30 Q3. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? 04:06 Q4. How would you react if we told you a project you were halfway through completing had to be restarted? 05:46 Q5. What’s your ideal work environment? 06:42 Q6. How do you react to any mistakes that you make? 07:35 Q7. How do you handle conflicts with co-workers? 08:31 Q8. Tell us about a time when you came up with an idea to improve the workplace. What was the idea and how did you implement it? 09:47 Q9. What feedback have you received from previous managers? Q10. Why are you seeking work with a new employer? Q11. Why do you want to work for us? Q12. What experience do you have relevant to this position? Q13. What are your career plans over the next 5 years? Q14. Why should we hire you? Q15. What can you offer us that someone else cannot? Q16. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of. Q17. How do you handle stress and pressure? Q18. What are you looking for in your next job? Q19. How would you handle an angry client or customer? Q20. What did you like least about your last job? Q21. What motivates you? Q22. What are your salary requirements? Q23. That’s the end of your interview. Do you have any questions for us? CONNECT WITH RICHARD MCMUNN ON LINKEDIN.COM:   / richard-mcmunn-coach   DOWNLOAD 23 MANAGERIAL ROUND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN A PDF GUIDE BELOW: