741 Hz Frequency Variations | 60 minutes

741 Hz Frequency Variations | 60 minutes

This is 741 Hz frequency Variations, adjust the volume down until you feel most comfortable. About Frequency: 741Hz - The Throat Chakra The throat chakra is called Visuddha in Sanskrit and it's responsible for communication-related matters, such as creativity or self-expression. It allows us to understand our needs and desires better in order for us to follow them. Blue is associated with the throat chakra because it often connects to communication and empathy. The solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz helps you express your authentic voice. Listening to music at 741 Hz is said to help with creative visualization and manifestation. 741 Hz is said to open up the creative side in us and allow us do things out of our comfort zone. How to use this sound to balance your chakras: Find a place to relax that is both quiet and will allow you to focus on the sounds for the duration of this exercise. Your mind may wander at first, but simply bring your awareness back to listening. Allow yourself to feel the vibrations in your body as they travel through it. Focus on each chakra one at a time, and clear your mind. Take deep breaths, and relax. Please remember that our music is not meant to take the place of professional medical advice, but instead to complement it. Β© Healing Frequencies 2023 All rights reserved.