(PS5) The Factory II SSS with Chris - Resident Evil Village Mercenaries Additional Orders
Add me on PSN: heis_factory For the hard stages with Chris, if you want to make things easy on yourself go for the early Dragoon and Finishing Reload. I'd almost recommed running straight to the first blue orb to fish for Finishing Reload. Using the Dragoon alongside this ability trivializes all of Chris' stages. On the other hand, if you want a challenge, you can buy the dragoon just for taking out the daughters and tankier mobs. Please like and sub for more content! It really movtivates me to make more of this and new stuff! Sub to see that a terrible FPS player like myself can get the highest ranks in all the Mercs AO levels to show that anyone can do it! Of course, you only need S rank in all levels to get all unlockables, but I wanted to go the extra mile. Played on PS5. Like and subscribe for vids like this and more!