THE GRINCH STOLE OUR CHRISTMAS!! LEGALITIES/COPYRIGHT: All content published on and sent through this Youtube account is exclusive copyright material belonging to The Jacksons of Atlanta. No person may download, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, modify, make available or in any way exploit any such content. Legal action will be taken against anyone who violates these terms. SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE NEW: https://bit.ly/3ejN7ME 🎉 JUSTIN & MARCEL'S 4TH BIRTHDAY WISHLIST: https://bit.ly/3CGMHgj NEW HOUSE House Warming Registry: https://bit.ly/3AyQrB2 Subscribe To Our Other Channels 😍 The Jackson Twins: https://bit.ly/3gtfXwY Justin & MaHogany: https://bit.ly/3An8FVF MaHogany's World: https://bit.ly/3EGEGYz Pastor Justin Jackson: https://bit.ly/3EXhHez Sub The juicy stuff👇🏻😜 Justin & MaHogany Only Fans: http://bit.ly/3gePVR1 These videos are for entertainment purposes only. Follow Us On Social Media Instagram: https://bit.ly/3JA108X Facebook: https://bit.ly/3wgyKBk Visit Our Official Website: https://bit.ly/3wi6w9d Order MaHogany’s New Book, I'm Not the Girl I Used to Be: https://bit.ly/2NRLGtp For Business inquiries ONLY contact: [email protected] INTRO SONG BY: / supremecarl / supremecarl CHECK OUT HIS YOUTUBE AND HIS MUSIC: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfOWBqCe... https://songwhip.com/supremecarl/chef... Background Music by DVNNYBEATS - Drip - https://thmatc.co/?l=5D0B9B72 This content is property of THE JACKSONS OF ATLANTA ENTERPRISES, LLC and is not allowed to be repurposed or reused without written consent from THE JACKSONS OF ATLANTA ENTERPRISES, LLC. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected] In this video the jacksons share disappointing news at twin baby check up similar to the ace family disappointing news at baby check up. This baby check up, baby doctor visit, pregnant check up, pregnant doctor visit is essential to prepare for the twin new baby check up and new baby doctor visit. Around the 38 week check up and 38 week doctor visit since im pregnant they will share more info. Similar to the royalty family. Being pregnant well the jacksons of atlanta being pregnant has been a journey. The jacksons of atlanta twins are always healthy but this is a pregnancy doctors appointment gone wrong / pregnancy doctors appointment bad news. We think something is wrong with our twin baby and find out more at the Pregnancy appointment with our third set of twins. We share signs youre having twins or twin babies on our channel a lot. Were having twins, Natural Twins at that and this twin pregnancy in 2022 has been great so far. We are pregnant with twins in 2022 and experienced a pregnancy scare and shared the news in our pregnancy update titled, unexpected news at twins baby check up. This video is about the third set of twins coming and mahogany going into labor. This video is talking about THE GRINCH STOLE TWINS CHRISTMAS GIFTS!!