The Legend of Korra || Civil War Part 2 || S2E4
Starting Book 2 of The Legend of Korra today! This is the Season 2 Premiere - Rebel Spirit! Book 2 introduces several new characters like Varrick, Tonraq, Eska, Desna and Unalaq! Let us know what you thought of our reactions to Chapter One of this new season! Book 2 begins QUICKLY! After quickly showing the new and crazy things Korra, Bolin, Mako, and Asami have been up to post book 1, this episode finally took us out of Republic city to the southern water tribe, and boy was it fun to see more of the world post avatar! Unalok, Varrick, the twins, Bumi, and more new characters have come into play, and Montana and I could not be more excited about what is to come in this thrilling new season! Follow me on Instagram .......► www.instagram.com/tonypdoesstuff Follow me on Twitter ................► twitter.com/tonypdoesstuff Like me on Facebook ................► www.facebook.com/tonypdoesstuff #legendofkorra #avatar #reactions #season2 #freedomfornonbinders #newavatarwhodis #tonypdoesstuff #TPDS