Political Science Curriculumn. TU Political Science - (MA)

Political Science Curriculumn. TU Political Science - (MA)

Master of Arts in Political Science Curriculum for 1st Semester --------------------------- For More details: Visit: www.everestacademy.com.np (Notes are a-viables in Handouts) Visit: www.itechcenter.com.np (Our e-Shopping Center) Visit: www.agreemridum.com (Our Hosting Center) Subject wise Lessons are here: ******************************* Political Science Curriculum:    • Political Science Curriculumn. TU Pol...   #. Political Philosophy: ********************* 1. Characteristics of Greek Political Thought:    • ग्रीक राजनीतिक विचारका विशेषताहरू (Ch...   2. Politics, Philosophy and Political Philosophy:    • राजनीति, दर्शन र राजनीतिक दर्शन, Poli...   3. Political Philosophy:    • राजनीतिक दर्शन, Political Philosophy....   4. Political Philosophy:    • राजनीतिक दर्शन, Political Philosophy....   5. Modern Approach of Plato:    • राजनितिक दार्शनिक प्लेटोको आधुनिक धार...   6. Political Philosopher Plato:    • राजनीतिक दार्शनिक प्लेटो. - (Politica...   7. View of Education of Plato:    • प्लेटोको शिक्षाको दृष्टिकोण - (View o...   8. Philosopher King Plato:    • दार्शनिक राजा - (Philosopher King). T...   9. Philosophy of Aristotle:    • दार्शनिक अरस्तूकाे  संक्षिप्त परिचय -...   10. Aristotle's Concepts of Citizenship:    • अरस्तुको नागरिकता सम्बन्धि अबधारणा, A...   11. Renaissance:    • पुनर्जागरण र आधुनिकता, Renaissance an...   12. Rennaissance and "The Prince":    • पुनर्जागरण र द प्रीन्स, Renaissance a...   13. Niccolò Machiavelli "The Prince":    • Niccolò Machiavelli "The Prince".   14. Political Philosopher Cicero:    • राजनितिक दार्शनिक सिसेरो - Political ...   15. Thomos Hobbes:    • POLITICAL THEORY - Thomas Hobbes   16. Contractliest Thinker Thomos Hobbes and his "Leviathan":    • राजनैतिक बिचारक सम्झौताबादी चिन्तक थो...   17. Contractliest Thinker John Locke:    • राजनैतिक बिचारक सम्झौताबादी चिन्तक जो...   #. Research and Methodology: ***************************** 1. Research and Methodology:    • अनुसन्धान र अनुसन्धानका बिधिहरु, Rese...   2. Research Methodology Details:    • अनुसन्धान पद्धति, Research Methodolog...   3. Nature of Research:    • अनुसन्धानको प्रकृति - (Nature of Rese...   4. Process of Research:    • अनुसन्धान - (Research) - TU Political...   5. Process or Steps of Research:    • प्रक्रिया वा अनुसन्धानको चरण - (Proce...   6. Scientific Research Methodology:    • वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धान पद्धति. Scientifi...   7. Inductive VS Deductive in Research:    • अनुसन्धान विधिहरूमा आगमनात्मक बनाम कट...   8. Hypothesis:    • परीकल्पना - (Hypothesis) - TU Politic...   9. Hypothesis, Characteristics, Types, Test Errors, Plagiarism and Citation:    • परिकल्पना, विशेषता, प्रकार, Hypothesi...   10. Plagiarism:    • बौद्धिक चोरी - Plagiarism (Class-1) -...   11. Reference:    • सन्दर्भ सूची - Reference - Plagiarism...   #. Public Administration: ********************** 1. Concept and Definitions of Public Administration:    • सार्वजनिक प्रशासनको अवधारणा र परिभाषा...   2. Differences between the Public Administration and Private Administration:    • सार्वजनिक र निजी प्रशासन बीचको दायरा ...   3. Public Administration and Society:    • सार्वजनिक प्रशासन र समाज, Public Admi...   4. Scientific Management Theory:    • वैज्ञानिक व्यवस्थापन सिद्धान्त Scient...   5. Scientific Management Theory:    • वैज्ञानिक व्यवस्थापन सिद्धान्त, Scien...   6. Human Relation Approach:    • मानव सम्बन्ध अबधारणा, Human Relation ...   7. Beaurocratic Model:    • ब्युरोक्रयाटिक मोडेल,  Bureaucratic M...   8. Prismatic Approach:    • पृज्म्याटिक मोडल, सामाजिक  जनप्रसाशनम...   9. Institutional Approach:    • संस्था  बुइल्डिङ मोडेल   #. International Politics: ********************* 1. State, Elements of Estate and Concept:    • राज्य, राज्यका तत्वहरु, अनि अबधारणा, ...   2. SAARC & ASEAN:    • सार्क र असियन, SAARC and ASEAN   #. Modern Politics: ****************** 1. Traditional & Modern Approach:    • परम्परागत दृष्टिकोण र आधुनिक दृष्टिको...   2. Modern Political Theory:    • आधुनिक राजनीतिक सिद्धान्त, Modern Pol...   3. Political System:    • राजनीतिक प्रणाली, Political System   --- DISCLAIMER --- Welcome to the "Mero Kadam" YouTube channel. Before you engage with our content, please read the following disclaimer carefully. The content provided on the "Mero Kadam" YouTube channel is for general informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. While we endeavor to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information presented, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the reliability, suitability, or availability of the content. By accessing and using the "Mero Kadam" YouTube channel, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at E-Mail: [email protected] Feel free to customize this disclaimer to better suit the specifics of your channel and its content.