9 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack You Should Never Ignore

9 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack You Should Never Ignore

9 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack You Should Never Ignore Heart attack is the cause of one in four deaths worldwide. The fatality rate is found to be more in men than in their female counterparts, yet the figure is bridging the gap every passing day. Heart attacks are basically caused due to interrupted oxygen-rich blood flow to the heart. If the blood flow is not restored at the appropriate time, it leads to the collapse of the heart muscle. The treatment works better if it is given as soon as the symptoms occur. Certain measures, like maintaining a healthy lifestyle in terms of food and drinking habits have been proved worthy of keeping a check on this fatal disease time and again. Here we have listed out the early signs of heart attack each one of us, must know. 6 symptoms of heart attack that you should never ignore symptoms of a heart attack you should never ignore symptoms of a heart attack you should never ignore symptoms of a heart attack you should never ignore ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "See What Happened with King Solomon’s Ring"    • King Solomon’s Ring - A Short Story  ...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ 0:00 Introduction 0:36 Chest pain 0:51 Jaw pain or toothache 1:06 Shortness of breath 1:21 Nausea 1:36 Upper abdomen discomfort 1:51 Sweating 2:06 Heartburn 2:21 Arm pain 2:36 Fatigue