Noisy Squeaky Toy Sound | Squeaky Pet Toys | Prank Your Dog | Sounds Dogs Hate

Noisy Squeaky Toy Sound | Squeaky Pet Toys | Prank Your Dog | Sounds Dogs Hate

#squeakytoy Noisy Squeaky Toy Sound Squeaky Pet Toys Prank Your Dog Sounds Dogs Hate Did this squeaky toy sound work for your dog? Please leave a comment below and share your funny moments with your dog! Tell us how they react or if they didn't react lol Why dogs like squeaky toy sound? Dogs like the sound of squeaky toys because it mimics the noise of injured prey. When dogs hear the high-pitched noise of a squeaky toy, it triggers their natural instinct to hunt and capture prey, leading them to bark, chase, and chew the toy. Additionally, the sound is novel and attention-grabbing, making it a fun and exciting experience for the dog. For more videos please Subscribe Our Channel! And make our friends happyyy! :)