14 Signs of Liver Damage You Should Never Ignore | Nuse Healthy

14 Signs of Liver Damage You Should Never Ignore | Nuse Healthy

The liver is an important organ because it is responsible for producing bile which flushes out the toxins from the body. It also breaks down fatty food items. Liver damage is quite common due to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. This can be cured in the initial stages by lifestyle modifications and medications. However, liver transplant is needed in case of severe liver failure. To avoid complications, Consultants at FirstCure Health’s Gastroenterology department has listed the following warning signs: Discoloration of eyes and skin — A non-healthy liver causes discoloration of the eyes or yellowing of the skin. Another name for this is jaundice; there is a high level of bilirubin in the body - a yellowish pigment secreted by the liver. This happens when liver damage reaches an advanced stage, from Hepatitis B to Cirrhosis. Swelling and pain or bloating of the abdomen — The liver is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Due to swelling of the liver, you feel dull aching pain and fluid retention or swelling in the abdomen. This fluid retention in the abdomen is known as ascites and is caused due to Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is scarring of liver tissue due to chronic alcoholism and Hepatitis. It's a good idea to make a doctor's appointment, if you notice this symptom for a quick check-up. Nausea, vomitingand loss of appetite — The liver eliminates toxic substances and if these toxins are not being eliminated from the body, you may feel nauseous.The body loses its capacity to break and digest nutrients and you may not feel hungry. And as the case deteriorates, there is sluggishness and weight loss. Frequent nausea and vomiting are early symptoms of liver disease and your must consult a doctor as soon as possible. Pale stools and dark colored urine — your stool becomes clay-colored when liver stops producing an adequate amount of bile or if its flow is blocked. Dark urine indicates presence of harmful substances in the body. Swelling of feet and ankles — If you're experiencing puffiness in ankles and feet, it may be due to an underlying liver problem. Chills — If you have a chronic case of chills, this could be a sign of Cholestasis which occurs when the organ's flow of bile is reduced or has stopped completely. Itchy skin — Primary Biliary Cholangitis is a chronic disease which destroys the bile ducts in your liver—one early sign to watch out for is itchy skin, bone, muscle or joint pain. This should not be ignored as high level of bile salt in the liver results in itchy skin and is an early sign of liver disease. Sudden weight gain or loss — Your liver is to blame, ifyou suddenly gain weight or lose it. According to FirstCure Health, it could be a sign you have Liver Cirrhosis, a disease which develops slowly and replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue, blocking blood flow through the liver and inhibiting the organ from working properly. Fatigue — Extreme fatigue or tiredness can be a sign of liver problems. According to a study published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, extreme fatigue occurs due to changes in neurotransmission within the brain. Bruising easily — If the liver stops making proteins which helps remove blood clots this makes you susceptible to easy bruising and bleeding. Sleep patterns are inconsistent — A study published in the Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis found Liver Cirrhosis as the reason for poor sleep. Reduced memory or confusion or even lack of focus — When you are experiencing liver failure, the organ can’t remove toxins from the blood which can result in them building up in the brain—AKA Hepatic Encephalopathy. Unfortunately, this can mess up the sharpness of the brain, memory loss and ability to understand things. The end result is that this affects your concentration. Your personality changes as mental function decreases causing you to act different. These symptoms are wakeup call from your liver giving you a warning sign that it's failing. Palms turn red — is another red flag – a sign of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition thatinvolves too much fat being stored in liver cells affecting people who rarely drink—or are no alcoholic. Breasts become enlarged — One of the most shocking symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is enlarged breasts in a man. This excess growth of breast tissue—gynecomastia—occurs due to an imbalance of the hormones Estrogen and Testosterone. 👍 Donate Paypal: https://bit.ly/41KbJqP SUBSCRIBE to Nuse Healthy :    / @nusehealthy