Remove pigmentation, blemishes and Dark Spots Naturally - Dr. Vivek Joshi
Remove Blemishes, Pigmentation and Glass Skin Naturally At Home - Dr. Vivek Joshi Summary The video covers how to make a simple and effective moisturizing cream using only three natural ingredients: potato starch, aloe vera gel, and vitamin E capsules. It provides step-by-step instructions for mixing the ingredients to achieve the desired creamy consistency. The cream is recommended for use on the face, particularly for addressing blemishes and pigmentation issues. The video also mentions that creams alone may not be sufficient for treating pigmentation from within and suggests watching another dedicated video for further information. How To Potato Starch at Home • Diy Magical Potato Starch | How To Ma... Connect with us: visit my website https://weherbal.in/collections/front... For Good Quality Aloe Vera Gel https://amzn.to/3Xna1uS if it's hard for you to find good quality aloe vera gel visit https://amzn.to/3Xna1uS Instagram: / dr.vivek_joshi Facebook: / dr-vivek-joshi-242286083087189 Disclaimer - Any information on health related issues available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must not be considered as a substitute for general healthcare. Always seek the advice of your physician with questions You may have regarding your medical condition. this video is not sponsored by any of the brand. All thoughts mentioned in this video are my own. links provided above are of my own website ( weherbal.in ) or may be affiliate and i may earn money from sales #pigmentation #belmishes #darkspots #face #facemask #beautylifehacks #beautyhacks #beauty #diy #skincareroutine