I know I waited so long to cut my natural hair but I finally did it. I have not cut my hair since 2014. Last time my hair was cut, it was at the hair salon in Guadeloupe. It's the first time I cut my hair stretched by myself. What do you think ? How do you cut your hair ? My hair is no longer at tailbone length or waist length. It's a little bit below bra strap length. _________________________________________________________________ 👇SUBSCRIBE TO BOTH MY FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHANNELS : http://bit.ly/UnivHairSoleil http://bit.ly/UnivHairSoleilEnglish Don't forget to CLICK THE BELL ! 🔔😉 _________________________________________________________________ 💕VIDEOS YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE 💕 HAIR GROWTH ❤ Best Hair Wash Routine for maximum length retention: http://bit.ly/BestWashRoutine ❤ 10 tips to grow your hair longer and faster: http://bit.ly/GrowYourHairLonger ❤ Scalp and Neck Massages for Hair Growth Stimulation: http://bit.ly/HairGrowthScalpMassage ❤ Washing my hair with Stimulating Shampoo: http://bit.ly/StimulatingHairWashRoutine ❤ Grow Your Hair LONGER and STRONGER: http://bit.ly/YaoWomenSecrets ❤ Accelerate Hair Growth with this combination of oils: http://bit.ly/AccelerateHairGrowth ❤ How To Regrow Your Hair and Prevent Hair Loss: http://bit.ly/TractionAlopecia ❤ 23 Tips For LENGTH RETENTION : http://bit.ly/LengthRetention HAIR GROWTH CHALLENGES ❤ Natural Hair Growth Challenge 2017: http://bit.ly/HairGrowthChallenge2017 HAIR ROUTINE ❤ Natural Hair out Routine: avoid knots and breakage: http://bit.ly/NaturalHairOutRoutine ❤ Removing My Twists: http://bit.ly/RemovingMyTwists ❤ Applying fractionated coconut oil on my hair: http://bit.ly/HairOiling ❤ Wash Routine and Small Braid Out: http://bit.ly/KadimaOBP DIYs ❤ DIY Natural Hair Gel: http://bit.ly/HealthyHairGel ❤ DIY Strengthening and Moisturizing Hair Mask: http://bit.ly/DiyStrengthHairMask LENGTH CHECKS ❤ My Hair Length Check 2015: http://bit.ly/LengthCheck2015 ❤ My Hair Length Check 2016: http://bit.ly/LengthCheck2016 NATURAL HAIRSTYLES ❤ 2-minute Protective Style: http://bit.ly/QuickProtectiveStyle ❤ 18 Natural Hairstyles: http://bit.ly/18HAIRSTYLES ❤ Cute Lazy Day Natural Hairstyle: http://bit.ly/LazyDayHairstyle ❤ 9 Easy Curly Hairstyles: http://bit.ly/NineCurlyHairstyles OTHER HAIR TUTORIALS ❤ Straight to Curly with RICE WATER | No Heat Damage: http://bit.ly/WatchMyHairRevert ❤ Curly to Straight hair tutorial : http://bit.ly/StraighteningMyNaturalHair __________________________________________________________________ #Naturalhair