12th Sunday in Ordinary Time | June 23, 2024 | 8:00 AM Mass
[LIVE] 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time | June 23, 2024 | 8:00 AM Mass Our Hope in the Storms of Life Life is not smooth sailing from beginning to end. Sooner or later, something happens that disrupts its tranquility. In those trying situations, Jesus is our only hope of salvation. And we must learn to turn to him as the disciples did during the storm that threatened to sink them. Violent “storms” do not batter only individuals, families or institutions. They attack also the Church. But in spite of all these “storms” the Church has not only managed to survive, but also to grow, thanks to the presence of Jesus in her. Let this consoling thought accompany us as we are about to begin this Eucharistic celebration and offer it for the salvation of both individual believers and those parts of the Church that are undergoing severe tests and trials. To support the evangelization, please Subscribe to our YouTube Channels: Couples for Christ Negros Oriental: / @couplesforchristnegrosorie2213 padrejunlemz: / @padrejunlemz You may also send your love offering through: Metrobank - Dumaguete Real Branch Account Name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Dumaguete Account Number: 443-7443-90970-9 | Swift Code: MBTCPHMM GCash Transaction — 09174317088 Please send a copy of the deposit slip or transaction to [email protected] for your official receipt. Any music used for this live streaming is for religious purposes only and no intended copyright infringement. #SaintJosepthTheWorkerParish #CommissionOnSocialCommunications #padrejunlemz #CFCNegrosOriental #DioceseofDumaguete #GiftedtoGive #500YOC #MissioAdGentes