The BEST Mashed Potatoes!

The BEST Mashed Potatoes!

Hi friends! With the Holidays quickly approaching I wanted to be your source for all things food inspiration and since there are so many new faces around here, I figured I'd share quicker version (as in not too long of a video) of some LITK classics we all know and love! It's a great reminder to all of us too that there are some amazing recipes waiting for you on the site so from now until who knows when, I'll be adding daily videos to this channel in ADDITION to my regular long form content (2 new videos per week as usual) to give you endless inspo! These mashed potatoes you know are just the BEST! Recipe linked below! Let me know your thoughts on the daily content for a while! I'm excited to re share and revisit some classics as well as bringing you some fresh new content and ideas! xoxo Mashed Potatoes Recipe: