Tasty Mango Panna Cotta Recipe | Simple Mango Pudding Recipe | How to make Panna Cotta at Home

Tasty Mango Panna Cotta Recipe | Simple Mango Pudding Recipe | How to make Panna Cotta at Home

Today in Grey Pot lets see How to make Simple Mango Panna Cotta. Ingredients for Panna Cotta Mango Puree - 1 cup Milk - 1 cup Sugar - 1 cup Gelatin - 4 tbsp Vanilla Essence Method 1. Bloom Gelatin. 2. Make mango puree with sugar and water and mix in the melted gelatin and pour it into the glass. 3. Refrigerate for 2 hours to set. 4. Warm some milk with cream and sugar. 5. Add vanilla essence and gelatin and mix well. 6 Pour over the mango layer and again set it for 2 hours. 7. Garnish it with some mango balls and serve chill.