Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday

Resurrection of Our Lord Roman Catholic Church Laurel, MD Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 30, 2020 10:00 AM - English *********** The Music below is used with Permission granted by ONE LICENSE, 7343 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638, ONE LICENSE #A-733194 August 29-30, 2020 Lift High the Cross - CRUCIFER - Kitchin/Newbolt/Nicholson Words and Music - ©1974 Hope Publishing Company Lord of the Dance / I Danced in the Morning - Sydney Carter Words and Music - ©1963 Stainer & Bell Ltd. Mass of Creation - Gospel Acclamation/Alleluia - Revised Order of Mass - Marty Haugen Music - ©1984 GIA Publications, Inc. My Soul Is Thirsting - Michael Joncas Words and Music - ©1987 GIA Publications, Inc. Heart of a Shepherd / El Corazón de un Buen Pastor - Rory Cooney, Ronald Krisman Words and Music - ©2005 GIA Publications, Inc. We Remember - Marty Haugen Words and Music - ©1980 GIA Publications, Inc.