Avatar: The Last Airbender 2x13 | "The Drill" | REACTION

Avatar: The Last Airbender 2x13 | "The Drill" | REACTION

Aang and his friends arrive at Ba Sing Se and encounter a new problem: the drill! We are Dark (brother) and Skull (sister), reacting to the thirteenth episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender, season 2. *We would like to let everyone know that we finished the show recently! We're afraid we don't have a lot of time to edit and upload every video due to other duties we have, but we will try to stick with the schedule! In the meantime, please enjoy the reaction videos! šŸ’« ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full reaction on Patreon: Ā Ā /Ā darkandskullĀ Ā  #avatarthelastairbender #avatar #reaction