Sunday Sermon 11/20/2022
Focus: Paul encourages the Philippians to have “the courage to put Christ first.” This is done by forgetting what is behind us, focusing on what is before us, and facing what is beyond us. As Christians, our pursuit of Christ must be first in our lives! I. The courage to put Christ first The focus of the Christian’s life is the pursuit of knowing Christ. “Life” – three Greek words (Bios, Soke, Zoe) John 10:10 speaks of Zoe - “transformed life” II. Philippians 3:10-14 The desire NOT to waste our lives – keeping our eyes on the prize Running for the prize – keeping the right goal in mind – what are the right goals? III. Goals 1. Forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:12-13) – do not look backward! Isaiah 43:25: “I alone am the one who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” 2. Focus on what is before us (Philippians 3:13) – “but one thing I do...” What is our “one thing?” (Paul’s was to “know Christ and glorify God”) Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal, toward the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” 3. Face what is beyond us (Philippians 3:14) – to “press on” or relentlessly pursue As Christians, we don’t get to “retire” – get active in your pursuit of Christ! What “one thing” will you focus on? --------------------------------------------------- Join us live for worship at our 9:30 and 11:00 am services each week: https://new.livestream.com/churchofth... The videos on this channel only include the sermon portion of our worship service. Please visit the livestream link above to view the entire service. Sunday Services: 8:30 am - Traditional 9:30 am - Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional 11:00 am - Contemporary - OASIS Youth Service: Wednesday at 7:15pm - CHAOS ---------------------------------------------------