How To Raising Millions of Free Range Chicken For Eggs and Meat - Chicken Farming - Meat Factory
Free range denotes a method of farming husbandry where the animals, for at least part of the day, can roam freely outdoors, rather than being confined in an enclosure for 24 hours each day. Free range may apply to meat, eggs or dairy farming. Around 98 percent of all chickens farmed for their eggs live on factory farms, with no access at all to the outdoors. Most spend their entire lives in small cages alongside several other birds with each allotted space the size of an iPad to live in. Fewer than two percent of hens are kept on free-range farms which, as we have seen in video. Watch ‘free-range’ and ‘cage-free’ and imagine the birds are roaming across wide open pastures or prairies, enjoying a happy, natural existence. Credit: Australian Eggs https://www.australianeggs.org.au/ Woolworths https://www.woolworths.com.au/ Taejin http://www.taejinpoultry.com/ Co-op https://www.coop.co.uk/ If you are the owner, send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as read. Thank you Thank For Watching Noal Farm For more Hot video Please Sub me Here: https://bit.ly/3gy34S6 Or visit our blog : https://noal.farm/ And More playlist Noal Farm : https://bit.ly/3gy3sQy Noal Sea : https://bit.ly/3BaSgBd Noal Processing : https://bit.ly/3mBP65t #noalfarm #FreeRange #ChickenFarming