Resident Evil 4 Remake PS4 vs PS4 Pro Graphics Comparison

Resident Evil 4 Remake PS4 vs PS4 Pro Graphics Comparison

Here is a graphics comparison of Resident Evil 4 played on a base original PS4 (Not PS4 Pro or Slim) vs The PS4 Pro Version (Both Framerate and Resolution mode) of The Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Demo. Also Happy 27 year Anniversary to the Resident Evil Franchise! Also Special thanks to Top 7 Picks for giving out the recommendation for the Samsung T5 SSD being the best SSD on PS4 in terms of read and write speeds:    • Top 7 Best External Hard Drive For PS...   Thank you all for watching this video, here are other cool videos to check out below! Resident Evil 4 Remake Trailers but their from 2002:    • Resident Evil 4 Remake Trailer but it...   100 more Resident Evil 4 Facts you didn't know:    • Resident Evil 4 100 more Interesting ...   Resident Evil 4 Glitch Video 6 and 7 Remake:    • Resident Evil 4 Glitch Video 6 and 7 ...   Resident Evil 4 coming to PS2 2004 Internet reactions:    • The Internets reaction to Resident Ev...   Be careful, Many retailers such as Walmart are breaking street date for Resident Evil 4 Remake, loads of spoilers everywhere. So many enemies being spoiled over the internet right now