achieve your dreams subliminal

achieve your dreams subliminal

Let’s discuss!♡ About the affirmations: ❀This subliminal contains 3 pages of affirmations written by me ❀I used my own voice to record affirmations as it is more familiar to a human’s subconscious mind and transfers emotions ❀The affirmations are layered About the subliminal: ❀Attract endless opportunities ❀Always get what you want ❀Have the motivation and drive to chase your dreams ❀Everything works out in your favor ❀Release all fears and doubts ❀Miracles happening to you all the time ❀Inevitable success (The actual affirmations are detailed, this is only an abbreviation of what this subliminal contains :) ) About me: ❀I am 22 years old ❀I got really into subliminals and law of attraction in 2018 (you can still see my first uploaded video on this channel lol) so I like to believe I am now in a position to help other people achieve their goals as well♡ Let’s get magical together!♡ Music credits to: @itsshadowedits