David A. Bednar | Is it the Holy Ghost or Me?
David A. Bednar | Is it the Holy Ghost or Me? Location: MTC Provo Utah - 2009 Transcript/Google Drive video link below *Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMuw... (Courtesy of JJ St.) Google Drive video (downloadable): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18VU1... #theRisen #JesusChrist #LDS #TheChurchofJesusChrist #LatterDaySaints #ChristlikeLove #FaithInJesus #Restoration #GospelOfJesusChrist #BookOfMormon #LDSChurch #JesusIsTheChrist #FollowHim #JesusSaves #GodsPlan #Atonement #ChristianLiving #LDSFaith #HopeInChrist #JesusChristIsMySavior #LivingProphet #ProphetOfGod #LDSDoctrine #FamilyFaith #FaithOverFear #RestorationOfTheGospel #MissionaryWork #JesusChristHeals #Repentance #GodsLove #EternalFamilies #LDSYouth #Testimony #SalvationThroughChrist #PrayerPower #ComeUntoChrist #ChristCentered #LDSBeliefs #LDSMessage #NewBeginningsInChrist #ElderDavidABednar #DavidABednar #ApostlesOfJesusChrist #ProphetsAndApostles #LDSLeadership #ElderBednarTeachings #LDSProphet #LDSConference #DivineGuidance #FollowingTheProphet #636 the Risen, Jesus Christ, LDS, The Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, Christ like Love, Faith in Jesus, Restoration, Gospel of Jesus Christ, Book of Mormon, LDS Church, Jesus Is The Christ, Follow Him, Jesus Saves, Gods Plan, Atonement, Christian Living, LDS Faith, Hope in Christ, Jesus Christ Is My Savior, Living Prophet, Prophet of God, LDS Doctrine, Family Faith, Faith Over Fear, Restoration of the Gospel, Missionary Work, Jesus Christ Heals, Repentance, Gods Love, Eternal Families, LDS Youth, Testimony, Salvation Through Christ, Prayer Power, Come Unto Christ, Christ Centered, LDS Beliefs, LDS Message, New Beginnings in Christ, Elder David A. Bednar, David A. Bednar, Apostles of Jesus Christ, Prophets and Apostles, LDS Leadership, Elder Bednar Teachings, LDS Prophet, LDS Conference, Divine Guidance, Following the Prophet Now the answer to the question “How do you tell if it’s the Holy Ghost or just me?” Answer: quit worrying about it! Quit fussing, quit stewing, quit analyzing, quit worrying about it! Press forward with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Be a good boy. Be a good girl. Honor your covenants, keep your commandments, and I promise you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that your steps will be guided. As you open your mouth, it will be filled. You will be in the right place at the right time and in most instances, you’ll have no idea why or how you got there. So quit worrying about it. You got the answer?