The Book of Genesis Chapter 5 - New King James Version (NKJV) - Audio Bible

The Book of Genesis Chapter 5 - New King James Version (NKJV) - Audio Bible

Chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis, written by Moses a prophet and leader of Israel, in the New King James Version (NKJV). The Book of Genesis by Combined:    • Video   Please consider donating (2 Corinthians 9:7) here:$mpmdonate Subscribe here:    / mainpointministries   A general overview of the Book of Genesis, which name means "origins" or "beginnings". The book records in great detail the creation of the entire universe and mankind, the origins of sin and suffering in the world, and God's affinity for and relationship with humanity. The Book of Genesis can be divided up into two main parts: 1) Chapters 1 - 11 - Where the creation of the world and the origins of humanity is detailed. We are given accounts such as: Adam and Eve the first two humans. Cain and Abel their first two children. Noah and the Flood which destroyed the world and all of humanity, while Noah along with his family and the animals in the Ark were spared. And the Tower of Babylon which is where all the languages of the world were divided. 2) Chapters 12 - 50 - Where Abram the progenitor of the Isrealites (i.e. the Hebrews) is introduced. His name was changed by God to Abraham, and he was notable for his faith and obedience to God. Following Abraham we have the story of his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob (who's name was changed by God to Israel, a name his descendants would corporately adopt). After this we are presented with the story of the 12 sons of Jacob, who would eventually become the 12 tribes that composed the nation of Israel. Finally, Jacob's son Joseph is highlighted, who rose to power in Egypt, and as a result was able to save his father Jacob along with his 11 siblings. The Book of Genesis is a wonderful account of God's activities towards His creation, particularly humanity. It starts out with God creating the universe, and it ends with a promise that God will bless and take care of his people. From beginning to end the main character is God, who's power and sovereignty is on full display as He dictates and shapes the course of human history. One of the many famous verses from this book is: " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. " (Genesis 1:1) (*Chapter 19:5 is quoted incorrectly. For the correct quote please see our Theatrical Version here:    • The Book of Genesis - New King James ...   *) May God our Father Yahweh, and His Son Jesus Christ our Lord richly bless you!