Today's Catholic Mass Reading and Gospel Reflection - February 21, 2025

Today's Catholic Mass Reading and Gospel Reflection - February 21, 2025

Building for Ourselves or for God? 1st Reading - Gen 11:1-9 Gospel - Mk 8:34—9:1 In the first reading from Genesis, humanity seeks to build the Tower of Babel, desiring to make a name for themselves and reach the heavens. Their pride and self-sufficiency lead them away from God, resulting in confusion and division as their languages are scattered. This passage warns us against seeking glory apart from God, reminding us that true unity and purpose come from following His will. When we rely on our own strength instead of trusting in God, we risk building lives that ultimately crumble. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus calls His followers to take up their crosses and follow Him, challenging them to lose their lives in order to find true life. The world teaches us to pursue success, comfort, and self-preservation, but Jesus shows that real fulfillment comes from self-giving love. He asks, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose their soul?” This passage urges us to surrender our pride, ambitions, and fears, trusting that true greatness is found in living for God. Together, these readings contrast two ways of living—one focused on self-exaltation, the other on self-sacrifice. The people of Babel sought to elevate themselves and were scattered, while Jesus calls us to humble ourselves and find true life in Him. The world tells us to build for ourselves, but Jesus invites us to build with Him, even when it requires carrying a cross. When we surrender to God’s plan, He unites and strengthens us in ways we could never achieve on our own. Today, I will examine whether I am building my life for my own glory or for God’s. I will surrender any pride or self-reliance that keeps me from trusting Him fully. Instead of seeking recognition or comfort, I will embrace the path of discipleship, even when it is difficult. With faith in God’s promises, I will take up my cross and follow Jesus, knowing that true fulfillment is found in Him alone.