If I Started a YouTube Channel in 2024, I'd Do This

If I Started a YouTube Channel in 2024, I'd Do This

🎁 Try vidIQ's Boost Plan at: https://vidiq.com/decodingyt and GET 90% OFF!!! If I was a beginner starting a new YouTube channel in 2024, what would I do?? Well, that's exactly what I'm going to share in this video! Enjoy :) 0:00 Hey! 1:23 The first challenge 4:06 Time to know your niche 6:07 The most important step! 9:05 A secret for more views 11:49 Christmas gift for you :) 12:13 Understanding the algorithm 15:09 How to get the initial views 📌 ABOUT ME: Hey it's me DecodingYT! On this channel I upload videos where I share my learnings about YouTube Growth and video creation. 🔗 FOLLOW ME HERE: • Instagram:   / decodingyt.ig   🎙️MY MIC: https://amzn.to/44sHfJN Contact here for business purposes: [email protected] #youtube #youtubegrowth #decodingyt