I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of simple and compound annuities. B. Performance Standards The learner is able to investigate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound annuities using appropriate business and financial instruments. C. Learning Competencies The learner 1. illustrates simple and general annuities; (M11GM-IIc-1) 2. distinguishes between simple and general annuities; (M11GM-IIc-2) 3. finds the future value and present value of both simple annuities and general annuities; (M11GM-IIc-d-1) D. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: 1. illustrate simple and general annuities; 2. distinguish between simple and general annuities; 3. find the future value and present value of both simple annuities and general annuities; 6. show appreciation by solving problems involving simple and compound annuities. II. CONTENT SIMPLE AND GENERAL ANNUITY Learning Resources A. Reference Learner’s Material in General Mathematics, pp. 168-239