Praying SATURDAY ROSARY in LENT | Joyful Mysteries

Praying SATURDAY ROSARY in LENT | Joyful Mysteries

Let us Pray the Rosary Today. When we pray the Joyful Mysteries, Monday Rosary, we are seeking God’s deep love for us. Let us seek the intercession of Blessed Mother. Let us pray Today’s Rosary trust in the love of Blessed Mother. 1. The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38) The Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she has been chosen to be the Mother of God. Mary humbly accepts, saying, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” Virtue: Humility and openness to God’s will. 2. The Visitation (Luke 1:39-56) Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who is miraculously expecting John the Baptist. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, recognizes Mary as the Mother of the Lord. Mary proclaims her Magnificat, glorifying God. Virtue: Love of neighbor and joy in service. 3. The Nativity (Luke 2:1-20) Jesus is born in Bethlehem in a humble stable. The shepherds and angels rejoice, proclaiming the birth of the Savior to the world. Virtue: Poverty of spirit and detachment from materialism. 4. The Presentation in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40) Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the temple, fulfilling the Law of Moses. Simeon and Anna, guided by the Holy Spirit, recognize Jesus as the Messiah and rejoice in God’s promise. Virtue: Obedience and faithfulness to God’s law. 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50) After three days of searching, Mary and Joseph find the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple, teaching the elders and speaking of His Father’s work. Virtue: Perseverance and seeking God in all things. Purpose and Spiritual Fruits The Joyful Mysteries encourage reflection on God’s boundless love and His plan for humanity. They inspire joy, gratitude, and a renewed commitment to live according to His will. By meditating on these mysteries, the faithful grow in the virtues exemplified by Mary and Jesus, deepening their relationship with God. #holyrosary #hailmary #prayrosary #mondayrosary #saturdayrosary #joyfulmysteries #sorrowfulmysteries #dailymorningprayer #blessedvirginmary #rosaryforpeace #rosaryforworldpeace #rosaryforfamilies   / therosasrychapel   / rosarychapel Devotion to Blessed Mother,Divine Mercy,Divine mercy chaplet,Hail Mary Healing,Healing Prayer,How to pray rosary,Mary,Mother of Jesus,Pray the Rosary,Seeking Mary's Intercession,Spirituality,daily rosary,live rosary,monday rosary,rosary friday,rosary live,rosary monday,rosary prayers,rosary saturday,rosary sunday,rosary thursday,rosary today,rosary tuesday,rosary wednesday,sunday rosary,today rosary,inner peace rosary,