How I SOLO Defeated Leviathan in Blox fruit | Best tips to spawn Leviathan Fast and Easy

How I SOLO Defeated Leviathan in Blox fruit | Best tips to spawn Leviathan Fast and Easy

#roblox #bloxfruits I Solo Defeat Leviathan in Blox fruits and i will show you all steps and best tips on How to spawn easy Frozen dimension and How to spawn Leviathun fast and easy in Blox fruits, after we spawn Leviathan everyone will rest character, then i will solo defeat leviathan, I know how crazy this seams and also i think no one tried this yet. If you need help join our discord server   / discord   When we reach 35k subs i will giveaway permanent Dragon, if you want to participate dont forget to subscribe and smash the like button! Roblox username AndreeaTomi3 or Benyandreea Roblox Groupe check our merch :) If you want to support become a member of the channel :    / @benyandreea   If you want to support us with a donation here is our PayPal link Thanks :)