Emotional Release and Healing✨️Underwater Sound✨️Sleep Meditation with Positive Affirmations

Emotional Release and Healing✨️Underwater Sound✨️Sleep Meditation with Positive Affirmations

This emotional release meditation video is made with the intention to heal negativity from your system while you sleep. You will be able to softly drift away to a relaxing state of mind which will allow you to fall into a deep and restful sleep. I have used underwater sounds white noise for the background music to help your brain ease off the mental stress and to set you in a calm mood for the night. The underwater sounds for sleeping will help you relax your mind before sleep and it will allow your whole nervous system to rejuvenate and reset itself to its normal mental balance. I have also added subliminal positive affirmations for relaxation and reprogramming the subconscious mind to a more relaxed state of being. The subliminal affirmations are added on low volume, your mind will still be able to hear the positive affirmations while you are in a state of deep sleep. During this sleep meditation, you will be receiving a subliminal sleep programming while you are asleep. This subliminal peace of mind sleep meditation will help you rest well, release stress and anxiety from your nervous system and you will be able to think more positively and clearly on the next day. This law of attraction subliminal inner peace meditation video will infuse your mind with subliminal positive thinking. The positive self talk affirmations that your subconscious mind hears during your sleep state will change the way your conscious mind thinks in your awaken state during the day when you are thinking actively, interacting with people around you, making important decisions and behaving in ways that are serving you for the best. You need to listen to the subliminal meditation every night for at least 2-3 weeks to start feeling the results. Relax your mind and allow yourself to receive the messages of peace, calm and tranquillity straight into your subconscious. ================ Affirmations included in the video: I am free from pain and suffering. I release everything that makes me feel sad, upset, angry or resentful. I am embracing the new, healed version of myself now. I am allowing myself to feel empowered and strong. I am allowing myself to feel the joy of living. I am allowing myself to experience life with a fresh new mindset. I am whole, complete, healed, empowered and confident. I am happy with myself. I am free to experience life without pain or worry. I release all trapped negative emotions that are holding me back from living a fulfilling life. I release all that is no longer serving me at my present. I am releasing from my system all regret, guilt, shame and sorrow. I am releasing all sadness, hurt, unhappiness, misery and despair. I am releasing all anger, rage, resentment, envy, self-blame and fear. I have always done my best in the given circumstances. I have made the best possible choices with what I've known then. I have learned from my past mistakes and they have made me wiser and stronger now. I release the old version of myself. I am now stronger, wiser, better and happier. I am loving myself just the way I am now. I am now living in the present. I am grateful for the past and for all the life lessons and wisdoms that it gave me. I am now healed, complete and ready to embrace my future. I am happy with who I am. ================ Text, Voice Recordings and Graphic Design by Nina Ryan Copyright © Nina Tarot 2024. All Rights Reserved Sound Effect from Pixabay #subliminalhealing #meditationanxiety #emotionalrelease #emotionalhealing #sleepmeditation