How To Boost Your FPS on PojavLauncher
Title : How to increase your fps on PojavLauncher Timestamp : 00:07 Clean background apps 00:14 Keep your phone cooler 00:22 Renderer 00:30 Memory allocation 00:38 JVM Argument 00:48 Resolution scaler 01:02 Ingame settings 01:08 Default setting 01:26 Comparison default vs improved 01:46 Minecraft settings 02:35 Improved setting 02:48 PvP Gameplay 03:16 Highest FPS 03:43 Avarage FPS 04:18 end jvm argument : https://pastebin.com/dSRXUZUk best option.txt for pojav: https://tutwuri.id/SRyBmSk your keybind maybe changed my PVP texture pack: #minecraft #pojav #pojavlauncher