Worship 4 -2- 23 Joyful Spirit Methodist Church, Palm Sunday

Worship 4 -2- 23 Joyful Spirit Methodist Church, Palm Sunday

Welcome to Joyful Spirit!!! We are located at 61847 State Hwy. 29 Wadena, MN 56482. Sunday school for the kids begins at 10:30 am. Worship begins at 11 am with coffee, goodies and fellowship before and after. Come and join us!!! Pastor Ricardo Alcoser Scripture read from the NIV translation Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 27:11-54 CCLI License #11472853 The United Methodist Hymnal copyright 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" "All Glory, Laud and Honor" Psalm 31:9-16 "He is Lord" "Doxology" p. 94 "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" "Tis Finished" The Great Thanksgiving "Were You There" "What Wondrous Love is This" Thank You for your prayers and support. They are always appreciated!!! Checks may be sent to: Joyful Spirit UMC PO Box 446 Wadena, MN 56482 "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! Psalm 118:24