I did 108 suryanamaskar in 19 mins only 💪
I did 108 Surya namaskar in 19 mins only !!! This video is published on 21 June which is celebrated as the International Yoga Day. So I am trying to spread the awareness of physical and mental health to the world. Q- What happened to my body when I did this ? Ans- I felt energetic and powerful. Q- From how much time I am doing this ? Ans- I had been doing 108 surya namaskars continuously from 2-3 months. Being consistent in one area of life gets the ripple effect going through the life. Chapters : 0:00 – Recap: What are you going to expect 0:07 – Intro to the Greatness mindset 0:32 – Starting of the Surya Namaskars 19:26 – Finishing off 20:09 – Some pose routine ( Idk I was feeling too hyped after finishing lol :) 20:25 – Sweat rain #108suryanamaskar #MBfitness #youtubeseo This was my first youtube video. Hope you liked it. See you later. Bye !!! Like, Comment and Subscribe.