STAR WARS Lego Advent Calendar SET 75245 | Days 16-22 | Lego Stop Motion
Hello there! Today's video will be me opening doors 16-22 of the STAR WARS Lego Advent Calendar. On days 16-22 of the Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar we got.. An MTT An Escape Pod A Rebel Trooper A Mynock A Hoth Cannon A Cloud Car The pilot of the Cloud Car! Make sure to Like & Subscribe if you would like to see more of these videos! Thanks for watching! Goodbye! Tags: Star Wars, LEGO, Lego Star Wars, Lucasfilm, Stormtrooper, First Order, Christmas, Advent Calendar, Lego Advent Calendar, Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar, Rise of Skywalker, The Force Awakens, Juice WRLD, Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, Revenge Of The Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Star Wars Droids, C3-PO, RD-D2, BB8, Luke Skywalker, Rebel, Hoth, Cloud City, Cloud-Car,Pilot #StarWars #LEGO #Christmas #AdventCalendar #RIPJuiceWRLD