God of war world serpent Translation 🤔🤔| God of war #shorts #ragnarok #gow

God of war world serpent Translation 🤔🤔| God of war #shorts #ragnarok #gow

God of war world serpent Translation | God of war world serpent speaks | God of war world serpent reaction Hello everyone, Today I'll be playing God of War (2018) in 'Give Me a Challenge'(Hard Mode) and in this short i will be showing you translation of what world serpent spoke. if you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Research: 1.god of war world serpent Translation 2.god of war world serpent 3.god of war world serpent translation 4.god of war world serpent reaction 5.god of war world serpent fight 6.god of war world serpent speaks 7.god of war world serpent armor 8.god of war world serpent deathgod 9.god of war ragnarok 10.god of war ragnarok gameplay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some interesting shorts that you may like: God of War: Hidden chest behind poison