How does your body turns food into the poop? Human digestive system(Animation)|Dandelion Team
The digestive process starts in your mouth when you chew. Chewing breaks the food into pieces while saliva mixes with the food. Once you begin swallowing, the process becomes automatic. Muscles in your esophagus propel food down to your stomach. a Ringlike muscle—called the lower esophageal sphincter, relaxes and lets food pass into the stomach. The stomach produces enzymes and acids and stomach muscles mix food and liquid with digestive juices. Then The stomach slowly empties this semi-fluid composition called chyme into the first section of the small intestine called the duodenum.. 3dmedicalanimation copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team Fertilization medical animation • Fertilization|medical animation #sperm we all won this race! • Fertilization | 3d medical animation ... What role does sperm structure play in fertilization? • What Is Sperm?What is sperm made of? ... ovulation and menstrual cycle often called the period • ovulation and menstrual cycle often c... The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins • The effect of Tied umbilical cord in ... High Blood Pressure Hypertension • High Blood Pressure|Hypertension|Medi... How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings • How does your body turn food into the... food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team • food digestion the story of how your ... coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only • coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d me... heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team • Heart Valve Replacement| to replacing... short videos how long does it take for the body to digest food? • how long does it take for the body to... The world of inside a bone • inside a bone #bone #bones What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions? • What Part of the Brain Controls Emoti... small intestine • small intestine #digestivesystem #alc... copyright by Dandelion Team