How Apostle Michael Orokpo inherited the spirit of Apostle Arome Osayi
This will inspire you!!! Apostle Michael Orokpo reveals how he got the spirit of Apostle Arome Osayi. Welcome to the Daily Uplift YouTube Channel! At Daily Uplift, we have embraced the divine mandate to venture into the media sphere to reveal Christ and promote everything godly. Our mission is to expand God's kingdom and diminish the influence of darkness by sharing Gospel content on social media and training media professionals. Who We Are Daily Uplift is a media platform established by inspired individuals to be a blessing and a resource for believers, providing access to powerful Gospel sermons and uplifting videos. How Does This Channel Operate? Curated Content: We create excerpts from longer teachings, often including voice-overs to explain the video's message and what viewers can expect. Dedicated Team: Our team of skilled editors collaborates to maintain and enhance this channel. Prominent Voices: Through this platform, many Gospel teachers have gained recognition, and our work comes highly recommended. Original Productions: In addition to curated content, we produce original videos, including podcasts, Q&A sessions, and exclusive episodes, all created and owned by Daily Uplift. For more details or to contact us, please email: [email protected] Join us in our mission to uplift, inspire, and spread the Gospel! #apostlearomeosayi #apostlemichaelorokpo #dailyuplift Kindly subscribe to our channel for more... #DailyUplift #ApostleMichaelOrokpo #ApostleAromeOsayi